If you get the chance, next January I suggest checking out
The Audubon Center of the North Woods Maple Syrup Brunch. It's only one day a year (maple sap only runs for about one month), usually the first weekend in April if the weather has been good for syruping (warm days and cold nights). It's a really fun day and very well worth the drive to Sandstone Minnesota and the $15/adult, $10/child. This is our third year attending and our kids
LOVE it!
We begin our day with them by sitting down to a pancake breakfast with 100% maple syrup made there at the Audubon center. It is so yummy! Then they have a program for you, where you get to walk with them through the whole maple syruping process from tapping trees, to gathering sap, boiling the sap down, taste testing, and history of maple syruping. It's very educational. And did I mention