My photo
I'm a free-style portrait photographer who serves the Twin Cities area.   If you are interested in hiring me for your photographic needs please visit my website at
Want a copy of an image to use on your Facebook, Twitter or other web account? Shoot me an email at and I will be happy to send you a resized image that will look great as your avitar!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My poor kids

I was thinking the other day about how my kids don't have a whole lot of pictures printed of them. Since I have gotten into digital photography and editing images, I've become too much of a perfectionist when it comes to all of my pictures. I take pictures of them and think to myself,
"It's not technically correct. The color is off. The crop is all wrong..." etc. I've become spoiled to the effects of editing as well. I look at a picture, and yeah it looks good.... like this one for example...
But then I know it could be so much better.... with just some darkening here, some lightening there.... some vignetting..... some better color... and voila!
So I get into trouble when it comes to my kids pictures. I need to learn to just let them be sometimes and just print them up! I'm sure they won't care how they look. I still love my fuzzy 70's pictures of me when I was little.

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